screwbush security trunking


  • All sizes and dimensions displayed in mm
  • Trunking is supplied in 3m lengths as standard unless HDG which is supplied in 2m lengths

Armorduct offer a comprehensive range of standard returned edge surface trunking single or multi compartment to British Standard BS EN 50085 – 2-1: 2006 + A1: 2011 unless otherwise stated

All cable trunking lengths and accessories will be supplied as screw-fix with the following:

Various sizes of cable trunking body and lid will be made from 1.0mm nominal

All trunking bodies have a 15mm wide return flange

All trunking and lids are supplied 3m long (unless HDG which is supplied in 2m lengths)

‘U’ type connectors to be supplied on single compartment trunking

‘Fish-Plate’ type connectors are supplied on multi-compartment trunking

Screws for lids, connectors and accessories to be M5x12mm tamperproof

Variations available – please contact us for more details

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Manufacturing the Difference

Call the sales team on 01384 233 445